Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Greatest Day of their lives!

Great Decision!

A short message to new Christians…we are so thankful that you made the decision to claim Christ as your Savior this weekend! What an amazing, life-altering choice! Let’s just be REAL for a minute…Life as a Christian is not going to be easy…but please remember that it is by far the best decision that you could ever make for your life and your future!! When times are great--Pray a prayer of thanksgiving! When times are hard--Pray a prayer of strength and understanding. Pray at all times. NOTHING is too big for our God! Nothing. Keep the faith. Stay REAL. Share your faith! And remember that no matter what your talents are, you have something to offer God. I mean who would think playing with fashion dolls would work for 2 silly girls!?!

Ya gotta love 'em!

Hugs to Jamie

Jamie was a young man who came up to our booth and told us that in the future he was going to be a missionary in a foreign field! We had the privilege to pray over him and his future…and in return he prayed over this ministry and encouraged us greatly! Never underestimate praying over someone and allowing others to pray over you! It impacted us greatly! I want to encourage all REAL GIRLS to begin praying WITH and FOR each other. When someone asks for you to pray for them…I want to challenge you to pray WITH them right there on the spot! If they email you a prayer request…email them back a prayer! Just give it a try and let us know what happens!!

Behind the scenes… A huge THANKS!!

To: Dudley, Johnny, Jeff, Registration Booth Workers (Carla and Chad), Sound Booth Workers, Lighting Crew, Camera Crew, etc. We would like to especially thank EVERYONE (you know who you are) for all of the hard work that it takes to make Winterfest a success! Thank you for your commitment to God, others and especially teenagers! May we lift these servants up to God in prayer!!

Shout Outs

Lubbock Ladies…
We wanted to personally thank the Lubbock Ladies for bringing us pizza and cookies when we weren’t able to leave our booth on Saturday! Ya’ll are REAL GIRLS!! Thank you for your sweet spirit! Please email us so that we know your names!! Thanks again!!

Terrance and Trent were our official REAL GUYS of the weekend! They asked for a “shout-out” on our blog…so SHOUT-OUT Terrance and Trent!! J Thanks for being so much fun! And Terrance…it was so encouraging to hear you singing your heart out to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Thank you guys for all of the fun memories!
We love Southwesterner's!!!
REAL GIRLS: at Winterfest Texas 2009

Hoops of Hope

We had the privilege of meeting and hanging out with Austin Gutwein and his father this weekend (Winterfest Texas) and all I can say is…they are REAL GUYS!!! Austin is absolutely amazing! He has inspired us in so many ways! I am amazed at hoe God is using him!! If you haven’t heard about the ministry that he started, please visit his website: www.hoopsofhope.org! To Austin: May God bless all that you are doing…and we can’t wait to have REAL GIRLS: Hoops of Hope!!!

L1 and L2

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind' and 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' Practice makes perfect! Practice this commandment! Put it into action! How do you put these verses into practice in your life? Feel free to comment!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Bring it on!

What is fear? Does Satan use fear to get to you in your life? Can we overcome fear with God's help? YES! We want to share some short thoughts with you on this topic because it is one we both struggle with. Our fears might not be the same as yours, our fears aren't even the same as each others, but one thing is for sure..... we all can struggle with this feeling.
Do you watch scary movies? Hopefully not. Today it seems like there are so many horror films out. You can't even watch t.v. without one of the scary movie previews coming on. Then you catch yourself wanting to look away, but you get caught in a trance watching the terrifying scenes of a stupid movie that is about to come out. Satan is sneaky and he uses fear to get to us. You watch this preview, then proceed to go to the movie (so you can snuggle with your man when there is a scary scene) then you go home and have nightmares and check the backseat of your car every time you get in thinking that the man from the movie came alive and is getting you. CRAZY how that works, huh? (our plug for not seeing horror movies)
Scary movies aren't the only thing that brings the feeling of fear. What about the fear of heights? or the fear of tripping at school in front of everyone? or the fear of being in big crowds? or the fear of being alone? OR the FEAR of FAILING? Failing at something or failing someone is a terrible feeling. We have to confess to you that sometimes we let the fear of failing keep us from doing things we know we should do. Isn't it great when God reminds us to keep going and not let FEAR or Satan win. Just tonight, I had a moment when I wanted to give up. Then I checked my email and got messages from people letting me know that God wants me to keep going. He doesn't want us letting fear rule our lives. He wants us to bring it before Him and lay it down. This doesn't mean you will not be afraid any more, but it does mean when we let Him have it our load is less. We know that when we call for help and when enemies are around us (the fear we talked about), God is right there winning!
"Then my enemies will turn back
when I call for help.
By this I will know that God is FOR me.
In God, whose word I praise, in the Lord,
whose word I praise-
in God I trust; I will NOT be afraid.
What can man do to me?"
Psalm 56: 9-11
What a powerful scripture and one we need to listen to. So as we start this new year, believe that God is FOR you in 2009 and do not let fear stop you this year! Bring it on! (compliments of the silly cheerleading movie.)
And remember to always STAY REAL!