Monday, August 17, 2009

REAL men wear PINK

RG sure did have a fun weekend in Kentucky at a youth conference in Louisville. Here is pic from this weekend with the REAL guys who wear pink. We sure do love it when boys step up and support RG. One day maybe there will be a "ligit guys"....any takers?
Also, we enjoyed spending some time with some girls at a back to school party here in Nashville.
We are overwhelmed at where God is taking this ministry and are so glad each of you are a part of this with us! Have a great week! And remember....Stay REAL!!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Cute Shoes!

Some people hate feet, some people love feet. But with a cute pair of shoes, all girls love feet! I pray that as teen girls we all strive to be walking down a path with our cute shoes on and heading in a direction that brings us closer to God. Make sure that you concentrate more on what path your shoes are on than what shoes are on the path.
I pray that this verse is what we are all truly about:
"How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!"
Romans 10:15
I want my feet to be beautiful, but to be that I need to be all about some good news. Remember that no matter how cute your shoes are you are representing Christ and need to be sharing HIM with others, so they too can have beautiful FEET!
Stay REAL!
Thanks to Libby Barker for cute pic! Check her out at

Friday, July 10, 2009

I don't believe in coincidences

Yep, this is true for RG. We don't believe in coincidences but in God things. We just like to call them "God stories". You know what I am talking about. The times when something happens and the world would say,"wow you are lucky!" but we say," wow we serve a mighty God". This has happened to us a lot lately but we want to share this one first and have more for later....

We met a girl at Impact named Alexandra. She went to our class and afterwards came to us and said she wrote poems and we might want to take a look. We did and this is what we found in her book:

Six of us sitting ‘round the circle,
Expressing all of our feelings.
Some tears mix with laughter,
And the mood lifts from gloom and doom
To happy and cool.
But everyone is being helped by this,
Understanding and knowing what they need to fix,
Or need to stop thinking of themselves,
As ugly, or fat.
Because we all think everyone’s beautiful,
And so does God.
So next time you have friend over,
Sit ‘round a circle and express your feelings.
Yep! This is what we read. We really were in shock. Did she know that we had 6 girls on our RG team at that time? Did she know we actually did sit and talk about this? Did she know our class was going to be about self image? NO, she didn't. Crazy, huh? So, we read more poems and all of them are great. We are going to start posting some, but for now this is the one we want you to hear. God does think you are beautiful. He knit you and created you just the way you are. Check out Psalm 139 if you don't believe us.
Thanks Alexandra Burton from North Caroline for sharing your talents!
We want to hear your "God stories", so tell us some!
Stay REAL!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Real Girls is at Impact at David Lipscomb this year for the first time. We are loving it and enjoy seeing God at work here. The praise and worship time is great, and the singing is amazing. Our classes have been great and the girls are all really opening their hearts.

Here is a sneak peek at this class:
You knit me
So I praise
You found me
So I live!
Our class is based out of Psalm 139 and goes with the "hidden" theme of the week. We are putting a RG spin and working through our self image this week. Please let us know if you want to come by and see us. The more the merrier! Have a blessed week.
And as always.....stay REAL!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

P2 (peer pressure)

- everyone's doing it
- me too!
- wait for me
- it can't be that bad
These are all things we catch ourselves sometimes saying, huh? Don't you wish you never felt pressure to be cool or fit in? It would be great if we could just be ourselves and not worry about what others think. I know I wish I could be more like that! In the New Testament we see many times how Paul was great at this. In 1 Thessalonians 2: 4 (in the Message) it says:
" Be assured that when we speak to you we're not after crowd approval- only after God approval."
WOW! If only it were that easy right? Well, it is that easy. Start praying that God gives you a heart to seek after His will and His will only. Pray that you will want to walk away from crowd approval and seek what is right. I hope we can become leaders and then eventually others will want to follow us. Maybe we can set a new "peer pressure" standard. I would love to see the COOL thing that others feel pressure to do become the RIGHT thing to do.
May we be REAL GIRLS seeking after God approval.
Stay REAL!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

adrenaline rush!!!

I am sure many of you are getting excited about summer coming up. Trips, laying out, swimming, camps, and sleeping in! We just wanted to give you encouragement to finish out your school year strong.

“It means we'd better get on with it. Strip down, start running—and never quit! No extra spiritual fat, no parasitic sins. Keep your eyes on Jesus, who both began and finished this race we're in. Study how he did it. Because he never lost sight of where he was headed—that exhilarating finish in and with God—he could put up with anything along the way: Cross, shame, whatever. And now he's there, in the place of honor, right alongside God. When you find yourselves flagging in your faith, go over that story again, item by item, that long litany of hostility he plowed through. That will shoot adrenaline into your souls!”
Hebrew 12:1-3 The Message

Try to embrace this scripture in every area of your life. And let our Savior’s story keep you going strong! Have you ever ran a race, had a big game or event and you get that nervous/excitement feeling? I love that!! I love the adrenaline rush! What Christ has done for us should give us that feeling! I pray for each of us that WE may have that adrenaline rush this week as we serve others around us.