Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Hefty Holidays

Let's just be real with each other.......
Thanksgiving food is so GOOD! But our clothes fitting us after is an EVIL sight! ( hate evil * love good right??) We struggle with this concept and know that with Christmas cookies right around the corner it will not be getting much better. We have good news for you:
"The King is enthralled by your beauty; honor Him, for He is your Lord."
Psalm 45:11
We love this verse. God is captured by our beauty. He loves the way we look inside and out. He does not care that our pants are too tight after too much turkey and dressing. He loves us just the way we are. Because He does love us, we are to give praise to Him.
So when getting dressed for your next Holiday party and you have to jump in your jeans to get them to button, hang in there and know you are BEAUTIFUL! If this does not work, pop in your Christina Aquilara c.d. from 2000 and rock out to "you are beautiful".
And as always, Stay Real!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Get REAL!!

Hey REAL GIRLS! We are really excited that we have a blog. (Shout out to my good friend, Amy, for helping us get this started.) We have never been the blogging type, but we are going to give it a try. We want you to visit often and will try to keep it short and sweet. Please give us ideas for stuff you want on here too!
We feel so honored to be sharing this ministry with so many! We give God the glory and want each of you to know that this is about HIM, not us. Who would have thought that playing with fashion dolls would do this?!? (thanks Harm for packing those with you to church camp in 2003!)
Amos 5:15 "hate evil, love good."
hate fake * love real
God wants each of us to be REAL! Does this mean we are perfect? Absolutely not! But this does mean we try. We will fail often, but the point is that we try to be real. So today we pray that all of us TRY to be REAL. Remember that you can't do anything more or less to change how much God loves you!
God loves you and so do we! Stay REAL.

Welcome to our REAL GIRLS blog!

Welcome to our REAL GIRLS blog!
Check back often to learn more about all things "Real Girl"!

Read testimonies from other Real Girls and share your own stories here.